Pharmacist hub Resources

Dispensing NVPs

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  1. Dispensing and supplying therapeutic vapes – 16-page booklet
  2. Checklists: 'Supplying S3' and 'Dispensing S4'
  3. Nicovape® Q product sheet
  4. 50 x Patient enquiry hand-outs
  5. 50 x New patient guide hand-outs

Individual resources

Dispensing and supplying therapeutic vapes

Dispensing and supplying therapeutic vapes – 16-page booklet

A comprehensive summary of the practical aspects of the PSA Guidelines and TGA requirements for supplying and dispensing therapeutic vaping products

What you need to know about therapeutic vapes

Patient enquiry hand-out

A handy 2-sided DL explainer to assist you with ongoing patient enquiries – 'What you need to know about therapeutic vaping'

Nicovape® Q New Patient Guide

Nicovape® Q new patient guide hand-out

Everything your patients need to know about setting up their new Nicovape® Q, initial and ongoing use, maintenance, and troubleshooting

Nicovape® Q Product Sheet

Nicovape® Q product sheet

The Nicovape® Q product sheet includes product information and ordering codes for Symbion, Sigma and API

LIBER S3 Checklist

Checklist: Supplying S3 vapes

Step-by-step checklist to ensure compliance and clinical best practices when supplying S3 therapeutic vaping products

LIBER S4 Checklist

Checklist: Dispensing S4 vapes

Step-by-step checklist to ensure compliance and clinical best practices when dispensing S4 therapeutic vapes

Supplying S3 therapeutic vapes

Supplying Nicovape® Q20 as a pharmacist-only medicine

Practical guidance for pharmacists when a patient presents seeking access to low-concentration therapeutic vaping products

Nicovape® Q system compatibility

Nicovape® Q system compatibility

A simple 1-page document highlighting the differences between the Q1 and Q2 versions of the Nicovape® Q products

No-liquid lock troubleshooting

No-liquid Lock System (NLS) – troubleshooting guide

Nicovape® Q product update: Guidance on addressing patient queries relating to the No-liquid Lock System (NLS) feature of the Nicovape Q

Nicovape Q products are TGA notified therapeutic vaping goods indicated for smoking cessation or the management of nicotine dependence. TGA Notification ID numbers: VG-2024-NTF-00234, VG-2024-NTF-00241, VG-2024-NTF-00240, VG-2024-NTF-00235, VG-2024-NTF-00242, VG-2024-NTF-00239, VG-2024-NTF-00237, VG-2024-NTF-00243, VG-2024-NTF-00238, VG-2024-NTF-00236.

© 2024 Liber Pharmaceuticals Ltd. All content

iNRT Healthcare is operated by Liber Pharmaceuticals for the purpose of furthering healthcare education regarding Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs) within the Australian medical framework. Liber has no affiliation with the tobacco industry, their affiliates, or any organisations or individuals engaged in lobbying on their behalf.

This site is intended for use only by Australian-registered healthcare professionals with an interest in smoking cessation. It is not intended for use by consumers.