Liber:Activate For pharmacists


Activate your pharmacy and establish your local GPs as activated Authorised Prescribers (AP) of therapeutic vaping products

As an Activated Pharmacy, Liber’s Medical Liaison team will work with your pharmacists and/or proprietors to implement the following:

  1. Identify and nominate local appropriate medical practitioners with whom you have existing prescribing | dispensing relationships;
  2. Ensure that appropriate introductions are made, where necessary with nominated GPs to ensure an orderly introduction to prescribing NVPs;
  3. Ensure that pharmacists and support staff are properly trained on dispensing Nicovape® Q, coordinate initial stocking of the Nicovape® Q, and ensure that the necessary steps are in place to ensure timely inventory replenishment; and
  4. Utilise Liber’s Medical Liaison team to ensure that local doctors are properly trained and aware that their patients can have Nicovape® Q dispensed at your pharmacies.
Nicovape Q products are TGA notified therapeutic vaping goods indicated for smoking cessation or the management of nicotine dependence. TGA Notification ID numbers: VG-2024-NTF-00234, VG-2024-NTF-00241, VG-2024-NTF-00240, VG-2024-NTF-00235, VG-2024-NTF-00242, VG-2024-NTF-00239, VG-2024-NTF-00237, VG-2024-NTF-00243, VG-2024-NTF-00238, VG-2024-NTF-00236.

© 2024 Liber Pharmaceuticals Ltd. All content

iNRT Healthcare is operated by Liber Pharmaceuticals for the purpose of furthering healthcare education regarding Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs) within the Australian medical framework. Liber has no affiliation with the tobacco industry, their affiliates, or any organisations or individuals engaged in lobbying on their behalf.

This site is intended for use only by Australian-registered healthcare professionals with an interest in smoking cessation. It is not intended for use by consumers.