Pharmacist Information Hub

Checklist: Dispensing S4 vapes

LIBER S4 Checklist

Checklist: Dispensing S4 vapes

Step-by-step checklist to ensure compliance and clinical best practices when dispensing S4 therapeutic vapes

Confirm the patient has presented a valid prescription

  1. Vape brand name;
  2. Nicotine concentration; and
  3. Quantity and directions for use

Confirm the prescriber has the authority to prescribe

 SAS Reference Number on scriptORSupporting documentation included
APAP number: MAPYY/01234567Copy of the AP authorisation letter
SAS-BSAS-B authorisation number: MBYY/01234567Copy of the SAS-B approval letter
SAS-CSAS-C notification number : MCYY/01234567Copy of the SAS-C notification
 Validate through TGA’s SAS PortalRetain copy

If unable to confirm, submit an SAS-C notification via the SAS Portal

Before an SAS-C notification may be submitted on behalf of the prescriber you must:

  1. Establish that the patient is over 16 years of age; and
  2. Establish that the patient is not pregnant.

If you are unable to submit an SAS-C notification, revert, or ask the patient to revert, to the prescriber for confirmation of authority to prescribe.

Establish the quantity prescribed, and inform the patient of the cost of supply

If the patient requires staged-supply, adjust quantities and repeats as needed.

Dispense S4 vapes

Provide the patient with professional advice

If the patient is not familiar with using a therapeutic vape:

  1. Provide the patient with the Nicovape® Q New Patient Guide;
  2. Provide guidance on the appropriate use of a therapeutic vape for cessation purposes; and
  3. Help the patient address any queries regarding setup and use of the device.

If applicable, communicate with the prescriber advising that you have submitted an SAS-C notification on their behalf

Supplying and Dispensing Therapeutic Vapes