Pharmacist Information Hub

How to read a prescription for S4 vapes

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Nicovape Q Prescription

Remind the patient that PBS does not cover vaping products

Therapeutic vapes may only be tobacco, menthol,
or mint flavours. In most cases, prescribers will allow
patients to choose their preferred flavour

The prescription will be issued with its corresponding AP / SAS
authorisation reference number:

AP Scheme: MAPYY/01234567

SAS-B: MBYY/01234567

SAS-C: MCYY/01234567

*YY: Year Granted (e.g., MAP24)

Such reference numbers can be validated through the TGA’s SAS dashboard

RACGP guidelines allow for prescriptions of up to 12 months

Prescribers should specify the vaping device on the initial
prescription as a matter of best practice.

Note: This is mandatory in the Northern Territory, as pharmacists
can only supply vaping devices under prescription.

Supplying and Dispensing Therapeutic Vapes
Nicovape Q products are TGA notified therapeutic vaping goods indicated for smoking cessation or the management of nicotine dependence. TGA Notification ID numbers: VG-2024-NTF-00234, VG-2024-NTF-00241, VG-2024-NTF-00240, VG-2024-NTF-00235, VG-2024-NTF-00242, VG-2024-NTF-00239, VG-2024-NTF-00237, VG-2024-NTF-00243, VG-2024-NTF-00238, VG-2024-NTF-00236.

© 2024 Liber Pharmaceuticals Ltd. All content

iNRT Healthcare is operated by Liber Pharmaceuticals for the purpose of furthering healthcare education regarding Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs) within the Australian medical framework. Liber has no affiliation with the tobacco industry, their affiliates, or any organisations or individuals engaged in lobbying on their behalf.

This site is intended for use only by Australian-registered healthcare professionals with an interest in smoking cessation. It is not intended for use by consumers.